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Freshwater plants (cryptogams)

1. Three types of bacteria, smear
2. Rhizopus nigricans (breadmold), whole body
3. Penicillium, whole body
4. Aspergilus,whole body
5. Yeast, whole body
6. Lichen, section
7. Volvox, whole body
8. Spirogyra conjugation, whole body
9. Porphyra (sea lettuce), whole body
10. Marchantia thallus, section
11. Marchantia antheridiophore, longitudinal sec.
12. Marchantia archegoniophore, longitudinal sec.
13. Moss, protonema, whole body
14. Moss, antheridium, cross section
15. Fern prothallus, young sporophyte, whole body
