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Hooke’s law apparatus

It allows you to verify that, within specific limits, the lengthening of a spring is proportional to the intensity of the applied force. The graduated scale has 1 mm division and the perfectly balanced masses-holder has an index which can rotate to consent the perfect allignment with the graduated scale.



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1 Asta con gancio
1 Morsetto
1 Base per aste
1 Asta metrica
4 Peso a disco da 50 g
4 Peso a disco da 10 g
1 Portapesi con puntale-indicatore
1 Molla Ø 10 mm; L = 75 mm
1 Molla Ø 10 mm; L = 60 mm
1 Molla Ø 10 mm; L = 50 mm
1 Molla Ø 20 mm; L = 60 mm
1 Regolo lineare