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Zoology – Vertebrates and mammals

1. Frog skin, cross sec.
2. Frog small intestine, cross sec.
3. Frog blood smear
4. Frog testis, section
5. Frog liver, section
6. Frog, heart, sect.
7. Rabbit liver, sec.
8. Rabbit testis, sec.
9. Rabbit vertebral column, cross sec.
10. Rabbit, motor nerve endings, whole body
11. Rabbit ovary, section
12. Compact bone tissue
13. Stomach walls, section
14. Small intestine, cross section (mamal)
15. Large intestine, cross sec. (mammal)
16. Pancreas (mammal)
17. Spleen, sec. (mammal)
18. Gall bladder, sec. (mammal)
19. Lung, sec. (mammal)
20. Artery and vein, cross sec. (mammal)
21. Kidney, longitudinal sec. (mammal)
22. Human sperm, smear
23. Human skin, sec. through sweat gland
24. Eye ball, longitudinal sec.(mammal)
25. Human Chromosome in blood, male and female
